signal jammer (9)

What factors will affect the shielding effect of a mobile phone signal jammer?

A mobile phone signal jammer is a device that blocks or weakens mobile phone signals by emitting interference signals. Its shielding effect is affected by many factors, including environmental factors, equipment performance and usage methods. Understanding these influencing factors is critical to using a cell phone jammer effectively. This article...

张佳 · 30 May · 2

Which law or regulation in the United States prohibits the use of WiFi signal jammers?

In the United States, WiFi signal jammers (WiFi jammers) are strictly prohibited devices. They interfere with or completely block legitimate WiFi communications by emitting strong radio signals. Using, manufacturing, or selling these jammers not only poses a threat to communication networks, but can also have serious legal consequences. It is impor...

张佳 · 29 May · 1

What can I do to prevent being filmed by voyeurs?

Hidden pinhole cameras found in hotels are frequently on trending searches, and criminals secretly take illegal videos for profit or outright blackmail. This phenomenon happens all the time!Hotels are a common place for each of us to stay when we are away from home. With the development of our country's economy and the improvement of people's livin...

张佳 · 27 May · 2

Mobile phone shielding and life square: a subtle change in life

       In a bustling city, mobile phone shielding and living squares are like two intertwined lines, one hanging high in the sky and the other bustling on the ground. We are in this era of information explosion. Mobile phone shielding brings us a moment of tranquility, while Life Square makes our lives full o...

张佳 · 22 May · 2

Can the exam jammer block WiFi signals?

Now, with the development of information technology, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of people's lives and work. However, in some important examination occasions, mobile phones may become a tool for cheating, affecting the fairness of the examination. In order to effectively prevent this from happening, many exam centers use exam ja...

张佳 · 15 May · 1

The main functions of the four major signal frequency bands used by drones

Drones are an emerging technology that has been rapidly developed and applied in recent years and has a wide range of applications in various fields. As the application of drones continues to expand, the signal frequency bands they use are becoming more and more diverse. Dazhan Electronics introduces to you the main functions of the four frequency...

张佳 · 13 May · 2

How to Effectively Enforce Cell Phone Blocking Policies in Prisons

Illegal cell phone use has become a growing problem in prisons, which not only threatens prison safety and order, but may also encourage criminal activity. Therefore, implementing an effective mobile phone blocking policy is critical to maintaining surveillance security. This article will delve into the policy framework for mobile phone blocking in...

张佳 · 06 May · 2

How to avoid signal jammer

Take physical precautionsUse anti-shielding mobile phone cases: There are some anti-shielding mobile phone cases on the market, which are made of special materials and can effectively block the intrusion of interference signals.  signal jammer Use a signal booster: A signal booster can amplify the base station signal and increase the strength...

张佳 · 29 April · 1

What is a WiFi Jammer and Why You Might Need One

What is a WiFi Jammer and Why You Might Need OneA WiFi jammer might sound like something out of a movie, but someone might have one near you right now! Here’s what it is and why you might need one, too.We live in a scary time if you are someone who values privacy. You no longer know who is looking at what you search and who they’re selling that inf...

Dolan Fischer · 27 September 2022 · 17